Q: What does the “target type” column mean?

The types are adopted from the paper “What You Corrupt Is Not What You Crash: Challenges in Fuzzing Embedded Devices”, which categorizes embedded devices and firmware based on the deployed operating system.

In short, the different system types are:

  • Type 0: Not an embedded system
  • Type 1: System based on a general purpose OS retrofitted for embedded application
  • Type 2: System with operating system specifically created for embedded targets
  • Type 3: System with no operating system abstraction at all, running “bare-metal” firmware

Q: I found a mistake, what should I do?

Great! Mistakes can happen and we are happy to fix them. Feel free to open a issue on our github repository to kick off discussion with us!

Q: How do I add a new rehosting system?

First, fork and clone our repository:

$ git clone git@github.com:[your_github_user_name]/rehosting.github.io.git
$ cd rehosting.github.io

Afterwards, copy the template.yml file into the the _data directory, using the system name as destination name:

$ cp assets/template.yml _data/awesome_new_system.yml

Now edit the new .yml file to your liking; | denotes options from which you will have to choose. Once done, you can test if everything renders correctly locally (requires a local installation of ruby and Bundler):

$ bundle install
$ bundle exec jekyll serve

Now, if everything succeeded, you should be able to see your local copy of this website at If everything is to your liking, push your updates and send us your pull request!

Q: CVE number? Logo? Am I affected?

The work on this webpage is purely educational and summarizes the state of the art. No attacks have been carried out within this work, so these questions do not apply here.

Q: Who is behind this?

Check out our About Us page.